Rivne Flax Mill continues to increase production capacity.
The industrial giant bought new equipment again. It has already been unloaded and started to be mounted. Soon the company will be able to produce even more fabric, its quality will increase again, and jobs will be added to the production. In particular, one of the shops of the enterprise was replenished with a new machine for painting knitted fabric.
This high-tech innovation of German production cost almost 150 thousand euros.
- This is a new line of the Italian company Lafer - one of the leaders in the world market of textile equipment. We are currently installing the latest model, which will help increase the volume of fabric production three times, - explains the operator of drying and spreading equipment of Rivne Flax Mill Oleksiy Volovodyk. - This machine, among other things, also creates shine and a neck of fabric. It will employ 3-4 people in shifts, which means additional jobs.

- The new machine produced by Thies (Germany) will paint all types of canvas, as we make at the Flax Mill, – the operator of the painting equipment of the enterprise Leonid Ostapchuk tells.
– This equipment will allow you to dye 1200 kg of fabric per day more. And this is a significant increase in production. Thanks to the constant introduction of the latest technologies, we maintain a good growth rate. And our fabric is getting better and better.
Meanwhile, the installation of equipment is also underway in the neighboring shop. A brand new drying and spreading line is being prepared for launch here. Also at the Rivne flax mill continue active preparations for the launch of the denim product line. It is planned to dedicate it to the author of the idea - Dmytro Chervonyuk. Preparatory work is currently in the final stages, so the company will soon begin installation of appropriate equipment.